Monday, June 21, 2010

I have an idea

what if i designed an outfit that had a medieval court jester skirt. ( you know the puffy pants. but turn it into a skirt.) then have a camel plaid coming out of the bottom making it the bottom half of the skirt. it would be pin straight.
love style,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Black is a universal fashion iconic color

Black....... think about B....L.....A....C....K.... simple to me. dark D....A....R....K.... simple. Black goes with everything and it has been iconic to fashion since centuries ago. there are paintings of mid-evil Queens that are wearing black BECAUSE it is fashionable. Now there is a difference between chic black and goth black. Chic black is sweet as apple pie on the inside, (sometimes way way way deep down on the inside.) and Goth black is cold and dark inside and out in most cases although, they can be mixed. It is rare but there can be a punk or dark and hard to get flirtatious influence on chic black fashion.

What I'm trying to say is black can go with almost anything. it is the universal Fashion color.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In this issue Kristen Stewart has an amazing photo shoot that really compliments her physique. her face could be a lot stronger, though she shows her potential in the angle she chose to model. the issue also shows the new style for next fall. it shows that women are going to look as classy and chic as possible as they can using the cheapest materials they can to conform the the bad economy.
Love style,