Friday, July 16, 2010

What to Wear on A Date :D

I was wondering if anyone had any trouble picking out something cute to wear to a date or with a group and look decent. personnaly i would think that a floral color blouse would look adorable with a belt and dark wash skinny jeans. if you are like the sidekick in this hanging out kinda thing and dont want to take the ligh of another friend, tone down the colors but still keep it upbeat and bright. never wear all black because you have no contrast to the color of other people and nature. and on the hygenic side you also attracked alot of heat leading to sweat then odor.
love style,

Monday, June 21, 2010

I have an idea

what if i designed an outfit that had a medieval court jester skirt. ( you know the puffy pants. but turn it into a skirt.) then have a camel plaid coming out of the bottom making it the bottom half of the skirt. it would be pin straight.
love style,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Black is a universal fashion iconic color

Black....... think about B....L.....A....C....K.... simple to me. dark D....A....R....K.... simple. Black goes with everything and it has been iconic to fashion since centuries ago. there are paintings of mid-evil Queens that are wearing black BECAUSE it is fashionable. Now there is a difference between chic black and goth black. Chic black is sweet as apple pie on the inside, (sometimes way way way deep down on the inside.) and Goth black is cold and dark inside and out in most cases although, they can be mixed. It is rare but there can be a punk or dark and hard to get flirtatious influence on chic black fashion.

What I'm trying to say is black can go with almost anything. it is the universal Fashion color.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In this issue Kristen Stewart has an amazing photo shoot that really compliments her physique. her face could be a lot stronger, though she shows her potential in the angle she chose to model. the issue also shows the new style for next fall. it shows that women are going to look as classy and chic as possible as they can using the cheapest materials they can to conform the the bad economy.
Love style,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Style Rookie

Hey it's me and I love to read The style rookie, if you have never heard of her, (if you are reading my blog then you have read her's.) here she is
Love style,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This Is A Louis Vuitton Fashion Show

This fashion show is kinda old but it I love to watch it. I hope you love it to
Be inspired.
Love Style,

click here

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Not to Wear EVER

OK, if you are wondering what you should never wear, then ask me. So, i was in my little smart car and i was driving past a Buffalo Wild Wings and this pregnant lady had these super adorable wedges on, but, she had on short green khaki shorts and a blue semi-hideous T-shirt on. Next, Never wear a collar shirt with sweat-pants. Unfortunately, I have seen it all.
Love Style,

SUMMER Fashion

In the fall I think that the new style is going to be floral T's (floral colors) and bright skirts. (make sure that they match. probably white skirt, knee length.) For shoes, choose a nice pair of ballet flats. Oh and one thing keep it simple unless you are some eccentric person that has no taste. Love Style,


Here are some pics of some awesome fashion.
I love crazy and unique style.
Love style,

I was reading this issue and I realized that there are so many designers that the majority of the fashion society has their own style so high-end and different than the other that it has astronomical reviews by almost every reviewer.
For mother's day, I gave my mom a bottle of Lola by Marc Jacobs, she wares it all the time and when I smell it, it smells like the beauty of a runway. personally my favorite designer is D&G or Dolce&Gabbana. my first pair of sunglasses were D&G and I love them and where them everywhere.
what I want all my viewers to do is they can send me their favorite designer/brand and their fave magazine. if you could send this in by June 10 ,I will announce the most popular designer on my blog.
Love Style,

Monday, May 24, 2010

what is fashion

I was wondering what fashion was ,so I sat and thought, fashion is love for dreaming and grabbing the cloud that holds your dream, fashion is strength in beauty and heart mixed with soul. fashion is hope when all you have is a collar t-shirt and a pair of worn sneakers. fashion is your soul and what works for your style. this picture reminded me of the soul that was put into the runway by this outfit....(at the top of screen) fashion are tear the cry from the power of the design. my soul tells me that love for fashion is what matters the most.
Love style,
i am Emilio